No More Excuses. Here are 99 Reasons to Take a Walk.

No More Excuses. Here are 99 Reasons to Take a Walk.

Need some extra motivation to lace up your shoes and head out for a walk? Well, grab your Jetti Poles, leash up your pup, or set out on a solo journey, because we've got 99 reasons you should put aside your excuses and make an intentional walking practice a priority. Today, tomorrow, and every day after.

  1. A regular walking practice can add up to seven years to your life. Seven years!
  2. Walking builds stronger bones.
  3. And stronger bodies.
  4. Not to mention you’ll experience more joy.
  5. And remember, your sneakers are not meant to be dog toys.
  6. A walk gives you the chance to experience all of the mental and emotional benefits of awe.
  7. Walking boosts levels of the happy hormone dopamine.
  8. And serotonin, a natural mood-booster.
  9. And let’s not forget about those feel-good endorphins.
  10. Then there’s those times when your kid is practicing the trumpet, and well, you know.
  11. A post meal walk can help to regulate your blood sugar, helping prevent the onset of diabetes.
  12. And in just 15 minutes, a walk can reduce your chocolate craving.
  13. You’ll boost your immunity.
  14. The stress of the day will literally melt away.
  15. And you’ll finally have an excuse to wear those brightly-colored walking shoes you’ve been admiring.
  16. Consistent walking can lower your blood pressure, and keep it that way.
  17. Walking also does a heart good and can reduce your risk of heart disease.
  18. The feeling of accomplishment after will raise your self esteem.
  19. Plus help you find inner peace.
  20. Have you noticed your dog won’t stop staring at you with that look in his eyes?
  21. You will literally breathe deeper.
  22. And your anxiety will lessen.
  23. Which will help you regain and improve your focus.
  24. And boost your creativity by 60%, according to a study from Stanford University, in as little as 20 minutes!
  25. You know your fitness watch? Yeah, it’ll be happier.
  26. You’ll feel less lonely.
  27. And find connection with others.
  28. Which will help reduce the feelings of depression.
  29. You may just find that you’ll smile more.
  30. Did your cable just go out?
  31. We promise, and so does this study—you’ll sleep better.
  32. You’ll feel centered.
  33. And that morning (or afternoon) cup of coffee won’t be needed, since a walk has been shown to result in a meaningful energy boost that lasts for hours.
  34. You’ll be more patient.
  35. Which is good when the cable guy is late.
  36. You know those seasonal allergies? A walk outdoors can help you sneeze less, even when the pollen is high.
  37. It’s kinda therapeutic to walk in the rain.
  38. You’ll find time for prayer and meditation, with Coach Jillie by your side.
  39. You know those tough problems you’re facing? Walking can help.
  40. And, who doesn’t love to splash in the puddles?
  41. Walking helps you build and strengthen your muscles.
  42. And burn lots of calories.
  43. You’ll likely alter your body fat, especially when you walk in colder temperatures.
  44. A regular walking practice will improve your overall level of fitness.
  45. You’ll get to jam out to some of your favorite tunes! Singing and dancing while walking are highly encouraged!
  46. Walking helps stimulate your mind.
  47. A walk will help you set the tone as you start your day.
  48. Or provide the best way to close it out.
  49. And if you work remotely, a walk is the perfect way to “commute” home.
  50. Which is a good thing when you realize your left leg just fell asleep. Clearly, you’ve been sitting too long.
  51. You’ll have a chance to step away from your screen, which is pretty important since the average American spends more than seven hours a day staring at a screen.
  52. Walking regularly can also reduce your heart’s workload.
  53. You’ll lower your cholesterol.
  54. And walking can aid in recovery if you have suffered from a heart attack or heart bypass surgery, with your doctor’s okay of course.
  55. And all that cardiovascular fitness will help you chase after your dog when she runs off with your favorite socks.
  56. Walking gives you the time and focus to practice gratitude.
  57. You’ll be more present with your family and friends.
  58. You may just see something different, which in itself is awe-provoking.
  59. You can capture the beauty around you in photos.
  60. And you’ll finally use your sunglasses for their intended purpose, rather than as a headband!
  61. Going through menopause? Walking can reduce the symptoms.
  62. Walking eases joint pain. The Mayo Clinic recommends 150 minutes of low-impact exercise—like walking—each week.
  63. Feeling sluggish? Yep, walking can help perk you up.
  64. A walk can help prevent – or slow – osteoporosis.
  65. You’ll finally get the chance to listen to your favorite crime podcast, or discover a new favorite. 
  66. Walking tampers the desire to smoke a cigarette.
  67. And a regular walking practice reduces your risk of several types of cancer in as little as 2.5-5 hours a week, according to this study from the American Cancer Society.
  68. Your brain will thank you since walking 6 miles a week results in a 50% reduction in the risk of Alzheimer’s disease!
  69. We’re willing to bet that you’ll get rid of that “meh” feeling.
  70. And at least you can brag to your friends about how many steps you took.
  71. Sitting at that soccer or gymnastics practice for hours? The time will fly by if you take a walk.
  72. Walking will push you to drink more water.
  73. And give you the energy to tackle your to-do list.
  74. A walk also helps you tap into the mindset to work toward and reach your goals.
  75. Allowing you to strike that Wonder Woman pose when you cross the finish line!
  76. Walking provides that much-needed time for a little self care.
  77. A walk also gives you the opportunity to challenge yourself and see what you’re capable of.
  78. Maybe a chance to try walking sideways or backwards, both of which fire up different muscles and burn more calories.
  79. You’ll finally have a chance to connect with that far-away friend as you walk and talk over the phone.
  80. And all that dancing in the street and celebration? Well, it’ll give your neighbors something to talk about!
  81. Walking to your errands saves gas money, which with today’s prices, will save a ton!
  82. Walking is the easiest way to get exercise, especially since you can do it indoors or out, and in any kind of weather.
  83. And you just might find your balance improves, helping prevent falls.
  84. You can feel like a kid again and take a barefoot walk through the grass or sand.
  85. You can justify getting yourself a treat since you saved all that money on gas!
  86. Suffer from varicose veins? Walking is a low-impact exercise that can improve your symptoms and may even lower the risk of developing more.
  87. A walk can help you find relief from menstrual cramps.
  88. Walking can increase your muscular endurance, allowing you to go farther and longer.
  89. A walk can improve your body mechanics as you focus on your posture and core.
  90. You’ll be able to strut your stuff in those new joggers you just bought!
  91. Walking doesn’t require special equipment, so you can just head out the door and start crushing your miles. We do recommend a pair of walking sneakers, though!
  92. You can even transform your walk into a full-body workout with the use of Jetti Poles!
  93. Need a little more support? Walking can be done using a rollator walker to give you more stability and even offer a place to sit and take a break when needed.
  94. Speaking of support, you have an entire community cheering for you!
  95. And in case you didn’t get the message, your treadmill isn’t a clothes hanger.
  96. Taking a walk allows you to take in the scents of the season. The blooming flowers, the freshly cut grass, or petrichor — the technical name for the fresh fall of rain.
  97. You’ll be able to be one with nature. Soak up the sun, breathe the fresh air, connect with the earth and its pure and simple beauty.
  98. The sounds of children’s laughter, birds chirping, and a hello from a neighbor will ground you.
  99. You’ll be happier if you lace up and go.
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