9 Reasons to Take a Walk This Fall

9 Reasons to Take a Walk This Fall

Fall is a favorite season for many. It conjures up thoughts of warm spices, cooler weather, and cozy layers. And though we absolutely love all those things, we also love how the change of season beckons us outdoors to take a walk. Not just for all the mental and physical health benefits walking offers, but also for capturing the splendor of fall that is best found on your feet. In case you need convincing, here are nine reasons to lace up your shoes and walk this fall.

  1. The brisk air: Fall provides a welcome break from the heat of the summer with lower temperatures, so you might find an extra skip in your step as you head out for a walk. You’ll probably also find yourself walking a little faster and a little further, which means you’ll be burning even more calories! 
  2. The fresh scent of the season: Is that pumpkin spice you smell? Maybe so, but seasonal spices wafting through open windows aren’t the only thing that will make your walk more pleasant. Cooler temperatures often bring fresher and cleaner air allowing for deeper breaths and more opportunities to take in the sweet scent of blooming mums along your path.
  3. The changing colors: There’s something about the warmth of fall colors to make you smile, so paired with an endorphin-boosting walk, it’ll be hard to knock that grin off your face! 
  4. The crunch of leaves: We’re willing to bet that if a newly fallen leaf is in your path, you’ll find a way to feel the crunch beneath your feet. A fall walk is the best excuse to go in with both feet and get the most out of that satisfying crunch! Leaf hopscotch, anyone?
  5. The connection with others: Fall is a great time to head out for a walk with friends and family. With the weather more pleasant and routines back in place, you’ll probably find the sidewalks bustling a little bit more, giving you a chance to catch up with neighbors and friends you’ve missed over the summer months. 
  6. The connection with nature: People aren’t the only ones embracing the changing season. A walk in the fall is a great time to see nature come alive, both with colorful flowers and plants and frisky critters. Just keep your eyes peeled for the slithery variety!
  7. A great time for a scavenger hunt: If you’re looking for ways to spice up your season, create your own scavenger hunt. The fall season provides so many fun things to search for while on a walk, like pumpkins and mums and scarecrows. Oh, my!
  8. Lots of fun places to walk: Since fall is a great time to be outdoors, you can usually find plenty of activities being hosted in your community, offering a multitude of places to take a walk! Make your way through a pumpkin patch, haunted house, corn maze, fall festival, ghost tour or even just down a splendidly decorated street.
  9. Serves as a fresh start: If you were feeling unmotivated due to the soaring temperatures of the summer, fall is a great time for a reset. Use this season as a way to step back into healthy habits, and we think walking is a great place to start. 

Whatever your reason, make walking part of your lifestyle. Not only will you get to experience all the fun the fall season has to offer, but you’ll be walking your way to a better and healthier you. And that’s a great way to usher in a new year.

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